Attention Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
ADHD is officially diagnosed when an individual displays a certain number of symptoms. The diagnosis also states that the symptoms must not be due to some other disorder, such as a neurological problem, psychopathology, or other medical problems. Neuropsychological/psychological testing is a more accurate way of determining whether an individual has ADHD and to rule out other possible disorders. Testing helps clarify the diagnostic presentation.
A neuropsychological/psychological evaluation emphasizes cognitive abilities related to neurological disorders such as visual and verbal memory, fine motor coordination, shifting of sets, and novel abstract reasoning. A comprehensive evaluation includes:
ADHD is officially diagnosed when an individual displays a certain number of symptoms. The diagnosis also states that the symptoms must not be due to some other disorder, such as a neurological problem, psychopathology, or other medical problems. Neuropsychological/psychological testing is a more accurate way of determining whether an individual has ADHD and to rule out other possible disorders. Testing helps clarify the diagnostic presentation.
A neuropsychological/psychological evaluation emphasizes cognitive abilities related to neurological disorders such as visual and verbal memory, fine motor coordination, shifting of sets, and novel abstract reasoning. A comprehensive evaluation includes:
- a full intelligence test
- measures of verbal and visual memory
- measures of executive functioning
- measures academic abilities
- a performance and attention battery
- a personality assessment
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